Our Mission
We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.
Our entire team wants to see a world where every youngster struggling in any way feels able to reach out and has people who’ll help them with education, jobs, and more. We want to spread out in every region so we’ll be reachable to all.
Turn Adversity to an Opportunity
Although we were experiencing a pandemic due to COVID-19, it was a blessing for us since the meetings were supposed to be conducted online. We could easily connect to regular meetings while staying at home quarantine. The knowledge enhancement on the meeting procedures was practiced effectively during educational sessions to bring members back on track.
Groom Executive Committee members
Most of the leading team members of the club were relatively new to the Toastmasters fraternity, except the President. So guiding them in the right direction was critical in the journey. One strategy was to assign experienced members from the Siyane Toastmasters club to those in the same leadership capacity. This mentor-mentee relationship significantly shifted their mindset to be more responsible leaders in the club.
There were many obstacles due to inadequate membership and commitment from existing members; therefore, club leadership could have given up the challenge quickly. Frequent communications were done through veteran Toastmasters in the Siyane family, which would assist them in staying in touch without giving up the challenge. We had to wait patiently by providing frequent advice to members of the Minuwangoda Toastmasters club and many more clubs all around Sri Lanka, believing “There will be a light at the end of the tunnel.”
Peer Support
The journey towards excellence would not have been a reality without the extreme support from Siyane family members. They were behind me from the day this seed was planted until it became a plant, nurturing it all through.
Our numbers that speak
Since 2010, the club has proven that living by the Toastmasters core values, integrity, dedication to excellence, service to the member, and respect for the individual, not only improves you but allows you to empower others to achieve full potential of their lives.